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Camelot 169 (1992-06)(Swedish User Group of Amiga)(SE)(PD)[WB].zip
Camelot 169 (1992-06)(Swedish User Group of Amiga)(SE)(PD)[WB].adf
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735 lines
Lserial V2(3) for AMOS1.3 and above.
Lserial is (C) Niklas Sjöberg 1992
NOTE: Commands added since V1 is marked with *-, so just load
you favourite textreader and search for "*-".
Lserial.doc is now splitted in two parts. Part I covers
general serial-commands and part II covers all necessary
information about the XPR-specifications.
Lserial no longer is freely distributable, it is now shipped
under the term shareware.
Lserial is copyrighted by me, Niklas Sjöberg.
All the usual... You are using this program at your own risk.
I can not be held responsible for any damage or whatsoever.
AMOS's serial didn't work in 1.0/1.1, in 1.2/1.3 it worked,
but only some-times and only a little :-) The main 1.3-bug seems
to be when one tries to open the device after closing (this is
NOT a devicebug since it is tested with serial.device from both
1.3.3 and 2.04. An old serial.device from WB1.2 causes AMOS to
hang on some occasions for some reason) it once and then trying
to open it again. Seems like François never gets it right? I was
first to produce a working serial for 1.1/1.2 and it seems like
I'm first on 1.3 to! (boast, boast :-)) If you find any bugs
please let me know!
In the days of V1.1/1.2 I used to supply a program for my
extensions which could change any (of mine) extension to be
configured as any number. This is not possible anymore, due to
the layout of 1.3 (well it IS possible but it would slow down
every access to the data-table). Because of this you MUST place
LSerial as extension number eleven (11). Your manual explains all
about adding extensions. If you MUST or NEED to have it
configured as another number then send me a disk full of nice
programs and some international replycoupuns to cover mailing.
PART I - General serialcommands
Before you start crashing your computer :
It is up to you, the programmer, to make sure that the
serial.device (or another device you might have selected) is open
and ready for use before you try to access any read/write/xpr-
commands. If you for instance try to call Lser Send as the first
instruction in your program it will hang OR crash the computer!
Always use Lser Open! If the device failed to open you will
receive an errormessage and the program will be aborted, or if
you have a errorhandling-routine the error will be trapped (that
is the best solution!). It is safe to call Lser Close even though
no device is open, so it might be a good idea to always do this
before your program exists or if you change device.
Lser Open - Open serial for use.
Lser Open BAUD,RWlen,STOP,BUF_SIZE,BRKtime,FLAGS,UNIT,"name.device"
BAUD - Baudrate
RWlen - number of bits when read/write (normally 8)
STOP - Number of stop-bits (normally 1)
BUF_SIZE - Internal buffer for device. MUST be >512 bytes
BRKtime - How long a BRK should last, in MICROseconds
(normally 250000)
FLAGS - See Appendix B for list
UNIT - Unit, normally 0 for external modems.
name - Normally serial.device (located in devs:)
Lser Close - Close serial.device
Lser Close
Lser Send - Send data to the modem, non-multitasking
Lser Send A$
A$ contains any data. Note that this instruction does not
return to AMOS until the whole string is sent.
Lser Query - Check if there is data to read
L=Lser Query
L - Contains the number of chars available to read.
Lser Read - Read all available characters.
A$=Lser Read
A$ will contain all data buffered by the device. WARNING If
there are VERY many characters to read AMOS may crash. This
command should only be used if you often read from the device,
like in a comm-program which continually loops and read. Using
it when communicating with MIDI or via 0-modem can be dangerous
due to the very high speed!
Lser Mulsend - Send a string in a multitasking manner.
Lser Mulsend A$
A$ may contain any data. If you try to send any more data
before Mulsend has completed only garbage will be output from the
modem. Control will return to AMOS immediately. Changing the
contents of A$ before Mulsend has completed is a stupid thing to
do..(I have not had time to test and see if serial.dev actually
copies the data)
Lser Mulcheck - Check if Mulsend has sent all data.
L=Lser Mulcheck
L will be true if Mulsend is ready.
Lser Get - Get a specified number of characters.
A$=Lser Get(N)
N Is the number of characters you wish to read. Note that
control will not return to AMOS until the number of characters
specified have been received. This can cause AMOS to hang if
you haven't any CARRIER and no data appears. A good advise is to
use Lser Query or Lcarrier before trying to read anything.
Lcarrier - Check for carrier
L will be true if CARRIER exists.
Lser Brk - Send a BRK to modem (time specified in Lser Open)
Lser Brk
*- Linkey$ - Convert some AMOS-characters to ANSI-codes.
*- A$=Linkey$
*- where
*- A$ will contain one or more characters. Linkey$ works just
*- like Inkey$ in AMOS except that it might return more than one
*- character. It always reads one character from the keyboard but if
*- for instance a cursor-key was pressed the ANSI-code will require
*- three characters. Currently Linkey$ converts all cursor-keys
*- and all keys pressed while the CONTROL-key is held down. Escape
*- backspace a-z etc. are not converted in any way. If no keys are
*- pressed A$ will be empty. Always use this instead of Inkey$ if
*- you are to be able to communicate with another (ANSI/VT100) term-
*- inal.
PART II - The XPR specs
*- XPR stands for eXternal PRotocol and was invented by W.G.J
*- Langevald in 1989. The idea is that the author of a
*- communicationprogram (or of any program involved in
*- filetransfers) can use standard Amiga-libraries for
*- filetransfers. The xpr*-libraries are supposed to be the brain
*- of the protcol, checking the incoming data, if necessary request
*- a re-send, save data to a file etc. etc. The (comm)program is the
*- one which supplies all the basic routines for serial-read/write,
*- saving files etc. These routines are later called by the
*- xpr*.library. Since the XPR is quite flexible, allowing many
*- different operations to be performed, you may count on that if a
*- program supports ONE xpr.library it will probably support all
*- future libraries. This means that the user may use protcols which
*- even wasn't invented when the author of the program wrote his
*- callbacks! It also means that the author of the program only need
*- to write his callback routines once (which he already needed in
*- his originaly program in the first place) in order to work with
*- any protocols. Lately some XEM*.lbrary (eXternal EMulation) have
*- appeared. These can/could actually be used through the XPR-
*- standard using XprHostMon and XprUserMon. Due to the layout of
*- AMOS (not using normal intuition-screen) these cannot be run
*- under AMOS in any way.
*- When all the callbacks are written (which I have done for you)
*- it is quite easy to use any xpr.library. In general the 'flow'
*- when using a xpr looks something like this : (unecessary setup
*- removed sine Lxpr handles this for you)
*- 1) Open the desired library
*- (Did it open?)
*- 2) Call SetUp with a proper init-string.
*- (See docs for the library in question)
*- 3) Check flags returned by SetUp
*- (See below)
*- 4) Wait until user requests up-/download.
*- (If flags supported UserHostMon, download may be initiated
*- automagically)
*- 5) Get appropriate filenames for up/download (if necessary, spe-
*- cified in flags)
*- 6) Call Send or Receive.
*- 7) When the program is quit or xpr is changed, close it and/or
*- jump to 1).
*- APPENDIX C contains a complete example of how to use a xpr-
*- library.
*- Before we start dealing with the Lxpr-syntax, here are the
*- callbacks that are supported by Lxpr (usually the needed
*- callbacks for a library are stated in the library docs.)
*- xpr_filename - Support for both batch and singlefile transfer.
*- (actually this is a datafield, but always filled
*- in by Lxpr)
*- xpr_fopen - Opens file(s)
*- xpr_fclose - Close file(s)
*- xpr_fread - Read from file(s)
*- xpr_fwrite - Write to file(s)
*- xpr_sread - Read from serial.device (or spec. in Lser Open)
*- xpr_swrite - Write from serial.device(or spec. in Lser Open)
*- xpr_sflush - Clear all data in serial.device-buffer
*- xpr_update - Print info (see below)
*- xpr_chkabort - See if user aborted transfer
*- xpr_chkmisc - No need for this one, yet, not one xpr require is
*- so far.
*- xpr_gets - Get a string from the user
*- xpr_setserial - Get and/or change serialparameters
*- xpr_ffirst - Get the first filename during batch transfer
*- xpr_fnext - Get the next filename during a batch transfer
*- xpr_finfo - Obtain fileinformation (filetype not supported)
*- xpr_fseek - Position in a file
*- xpr_extension - All four (the four below).
*- xpr_options - Supported but currently not used (just exits)
*- xpr_unlink - Delete file(s)
*- xpr_squery - Return # of chars available from serial
*- xpr_getptr - Return customscreen-pointer (WB always returned)
*- The xpr_update-function supports the following fields :
*- xpru_protocol - The name of the xpr currently used
*- xpru_filename - The file being transferd
*- xpru_filesize - Size of the file being transferd
*- xpru_msg - Last messeage from library
*- xpru_errormsg - Last errormessage
*- xpru_blocks - Number of blocks sent
*- xpru_blocksize - The current size of each block
*- xpru_bytes - Number of bytes sent
*- xpru_errors - Number of errors during transfer
*- xpru_timeouts - Number of timeouts during transfer
*- xpru_blockcheck - Type of error-check (usually CRC och checksum)
*- xpru_expecttime - Expected (total) transfertime
*- xpru_elapsedtime - Time elapsed since start of transfer
*- xpru_datarate - cps for total transfer so far
*- more fields may be suppported in the future.
*- The Lxpr-part only contains one command! This is due to the
*- inner workings of the AMOS compiler which treats all functions as
*- local, as it datas. Lxpr COULD have been split up on several
*- commands, but would have meant that either all the xpr-callbacks
*- and data had been stored in the global function (ie. extension
*- init which always is linked if the extension is used) or a lot of
*- copying and unecessary space waste between the functions. For
*- those of you who never use the xpr-functions less memory will be
*- used. The only thing added which occupies memory are the
*- timer.device structure and its replyport.
*- The syntax for Lxpr are as follows :
*- A$=Lxpr("filename","setup-string","libraryname",FUNCTION)
*- where
*- FUNCTION is either, 0 for Send file(s), 1 for Receive file(s),
*- 2 for Openlibrary, 3 for Closelibrary, 4 for Setup (send
*- parameters), 5 for read (works like Lser Read, but XprHostMon
*- will be called if required, se below), 6 for Write (works just
*- Lser Send, but calls XprUserMon if required).
*- I strongly suggest that you set up some global variables and
*- assign apropriate values to them and then use them in all further
*- xpr-calls :
*- XPRREC =1
*- XPRREAD and XPRWRITE are always checked for first,guaranteeing
*- you as fast as possible reads and writes to/from the device. Of
*- course you may overrule the library's request that XprHostMon and
*- XprUserMon should be called, by calling Lser Read and Lser Send
*- instead. These two routines are somewhat faster than the XPRREAD
*- and WRITE and may safely be used if "flags" from SetUp indicates
*- that the protocol doesn't require XprHostMon and/or XprUserMon
*- to be called.
Please note that it is up to your program to evaluate filepatterns requested
by the user. XPRSEND and XPRREC only accepts full filenames separated by
a space. If you use Ldos you can use the Lcat-commands in combination with
Lmatch (Relase 2 only) in order to find matching filenames.
*- XPRSEND - Send one or more files.
*- A$=Lxpr(FILENAME$,"","",XPRSEND)
*- where
*- A$ currently is undefined (empty string). FILENAME$ may
*- contain one or more filenames which are to be sent. If more than
*- one filename is specified they must be separated with a single
*- space. Note that all libraries doesn't support batchtransfers.
*- XPRREC - Receive one or more files.
*- A$=Lxpr(FILENAME$,"","",XPRREC)
*- where
*- A$ currently is undefined (empty string). FILENAME$ can be
*- left out if "flags" specified that the protocol can receive
*- filenames from sender (Ymodem-batch, Zmodem etc.) FILENAME$ may
*- contain more than one filename but protocols which handles
*- batchtransfers usually can receive filenames and if "flags"
*- specify this you may set FILENAME$="".
*- XPROPEN - Open a xpr-library for use.
*- A$=Lxpr("","",LIBRARY$,XPROPEN)
*- where
*- A$ will be empty if the open failed, otherwise A$ will contain
*- the string "OK" (in capitals). LIBRARY$ is the complete name of
*- the library, for example xprzmodem.library.
*- XPRCLOSE - Close a xpr-library.
*- A$=Lxpr("","","",XPRCLOSE)
*- where
*- A$ currently is undefined. Always close your current library
*- before opening a new library or exiting the program.
*- XPRSETUP - Initialize the xpr and customize its performance.
*- A$=Lxpr("",SETUP$,"",XPRSETUP)
*- where
*- SETUP$ is a valid option-string, as specified in the
*- protocol's documentation. A$ will contain a bit-pattern converted
*- to ASCII. Please note that the order of the bits are left to
*- right and not right to left as usual. In other terms
*- Mid$(A$,1,1) means bit 0 (NOT 1) and Mid$(A$,1,3) means bit 2.
*- The bits have the following meanings :
*- Bit 0 : If set, all was successfull.
*- Bit 1 : Protocol requires no filerequester / filenames when
*- receiving files. Note that the xpr may supply a filerequester
*- itself, which probably will appear on the workbench-screen since
*- Lxpr tells the xpr to use this screen when/if xpr_getptr is
*- called.
*- Bit 2 : Protocol requires no filerequester/filanmes when sending
*- files.
*- Bit 3 : The xpr would like you to use XProtocolHostMon() for
*- all serial input. This means that you SHOULD call XPRREAD instead
*- of using the normal Lser-functions. If you don't the protocol
*- might not operate correctly and functions such as autoactivation
*- on download might be disabled. Note that it is perfectly legal to
*- call XPRREAD even if this bit isn't set. Lxpr only calls
*- HostMon() if suitable.
*- Bit 4 : The xpr would like you to use XProtocolUserMon() for
*- all user input (ie. it wan't to check what you are sending). As
*- above, you should call XPRWRITE if this bit is set. Note that it
*- is perfectly legal to call XPRWRITE even if this bit isn't set.
*- Lxpr only calls UserMon() if suitable.
*- Bit 5 : The xpr would like you to use HostMon() even when no
*- input from is received. This feature is NOT supported by Lxpr!
*- This can cause your program to be locked for an unknown time and
*- may drain all CPU-power you have got.
*- As an example xprzmodem returns : "110100" (if AY was
*- requested). The first character ("1") says "All OK", the second
*- character ("1") indicates that the xpr doesn't need filename when
*- receiving files. The next "0" indicates that the protocol need
*- filenames (ie. you supply requester) when sending. The last "1"
*- shows that the library want us to use XPRREAD since it want to
*- check incoming data (auto download). The second last zero says
*- that the library don't care what we send to the other side (you
*- may still use XPRWRITE safely) and the last zero indicates that
*- the protocol not will require a call to HostMon() even when no
*- data is present (which Lxpr dosen't support)
*- XPRREAD - Read any data that is currently available.
*- A$=Lxpr("","","",XPRREAD)
*- where
*- A$ will contain the data from the serial.device. Note that if
*- the xpr has requested HostMon() to be called the data can have
*- been modified by the xpr. For instance, as soon as zmodem
*- recognize its startsequence for download it will start the
*- download and return an empty string and A$ will thus be empty.
*- XPRWRITE - Write a string to the serial.
*- A$=Lxpr(STRING$,"","",XWRITE)
*- where
*- A$ always will be empty on return. Please note that if the xpr
*- has requsted XProtocolUserMon() to be called you can never be
*- sure that exactly the data you wanted to send really was sent. To
*- my knowledge there are currently no xpr available which writes to
*- your data. A future MNP-xpr however typically would need this
*- function. STRING$ is a normal textstring.
None found during my tests against a few BBS's. One thing
could happen though and is nothing special to LSerial : Garbage
collection (which never happens). When using a lot of strings,
AMOS once in a while need to do a garbage collection, sorting all
strings together. It seems like AMOS has very hard to see for
itself when it is time for this and strange gurus may follow. If
this happens call Free (DUMMY=Free) once in a while. If this
doesn't help call Free VERY often or increase the buffer a bit.
If something strange still happens you might have found a bug,
please contact me.
Since this is a alfa-version a lot of errorchecking haven't
been put into it. It does not even check if serial.device is open
before trying to read (this speeds it up a bit). So if it hangs
when you try to read from a not opened device, don't panic :-)
Also Lser Get doesn't check if the requested bytes are available.
This and more will be fixed in the future. Please check your
program before reporting bugs.
*- Also you must be warned about the Lxpr-functions which doesn't
*- bother with such trivial things like checking if you actually
*- have a library open! Lxpr return enough "codes" for your program
*- to make sure that everything is OK before it tries to call any
*- other function. This is the way C, Pascal and assembly-
*- programmers have to work...
You can reach me via : 2:203/415.3@Fidonet
Soon available : LDOS - A new extension with everything you ever
wanted (well almost)
LRexx - A new Rexx-extension making AMOS ARexx-
0 Serial already open
1 Inavlid devicename
2 Unable to open device
3 Overflow in stringbuffer
4 Inavlid read-size
The FLAGS are specified when opening the device. Each funtions
is assignied to a value (or bit) and you may add the different
values together to select one or more options. For further
information see the docs for the serial shipped with AMOS. NOTE:
all values are in HEX! (LISTING FROM GenAm3, edited somewhat)
Val Name Meaning
--- ---- -------
$1 = SERF_PARTY_ON - Parity on (even if not $2)
$2 = SERF_PARTY_ODD - Odd Parity
$4 = SERF_7WIRE - 7Wire
$8 = SERF_QUEUEDBRK - Break in background
$10 = SERF_RAD_BOOGIE- Highspeed (disables div. checks)
$20 = SERF_SHARED - Other programs may open device
$40 = SERF_EOFMODE - EOF recognition enabled
$80 = SERF_XDISABLED - xON/xOFF disabled
Typically you can set FLAGS to zero.
*- This is sample-program which shows how to use the xpr's and
*- the serial-commands in general. Actually it can be used as the
*- worlds shortest communicationprogram! It supports the most common
*- ANSI-sequences via Lansi (located in Ldos) which converts ANSI-
*- sequences to AMOS controlcodes. The only thing we need to convert
*- before we send it is the cursorkey-codes which are 3 bytes long
*- in "ANSI-format"
(There are no *- in this code, so you may easily load it into AMOS)
Set Buffer 20 : Rem 20 Kb string-space
XSEND=0 : Rem These are the globals which we use
XREC=1 : Rem when calling Lxpr.
XOPEN=2 : Rem This way you don't have to remember which
XCLOSE=3 : Rem command that belonged to which value.
E$=Chr$($1B)+Chr$($5B) : Rem ANSI-startsequence.
CU$=E$+"A" : Rem The codes for all
CD$=E$+"B" : Rem cursormovements.
CR$=E$+"C" : Rem Up,down,left and right
Screen Open 1,640,256,8,Hires : Rem 8 colour ANSI is enough.
: Rem Lansi converts 16->8 automatically
Flash Off
Palette ,,,$FF0
Paper 0
Rem Open serial.device in "standard-mode" with a 8 Kb buffer
Lser Open 2400,8,1,8096,250000,$20,0,"serial.device"
Rem Just shows how to use Mul Send. Try this one in 300 bps!
Lser Mul Send "ATZ"+Chr$(13)
While Not Lser Mul Check : Rem wait until all data is sent
Print "Waiting for mulsend to complete.."
Centre "Press <!> to quit demo" : Print
Centre "Press <?> to SEND files with Zmodem" : Print
Centre "Press <+> to RECEIVE files with Zmodem" : Print
Rem Try to open xprzmodem.library
STA$=Lxpr("","","xprzmodem.library",XOPEN) : Rem open
If STA$<>"OK" : Rem if STA$="OK" the call was successfull.
Print "Failed to open xprzmodem.library!"
Lser Close
End If
Rem Initialize the library.
Rem Z1=Chop files, TN=Text mode off, KY=Keep partial files
Rem B4=Save buffer every 4Kb, OR=Owerwrite Resume, SN,RN=Don't send/
Rem receive full paths, AY=Autoactivate (call HostMon()), E10=allow
Rem 10 errors before abort.
STATUS=Val(Mid$(STA$,1,1)) : Rem All OK? 0 if failed.
FREQDL=Val(Mid$(STA$,2,1)) : Rem Need Freq for DL? (1 if not)
FREQUL=Val(Mid$(STA$,3,1)) : Rem Need Freq for UL? (1 if not)
Rem Don't care to check for User- and HostMon since we always call XREAD
Rem and XWRITE and let Lxpr handle this..
Print "Failed to setup parameters..."
Lser Close
End If
Do : Rem MainLoop
Multi Wait
If A$="!" Then Exit 1
If A$="#" Then Clw : A$="" : Rem If the screen becomes garbled
If A$="?"
If FREQUL=0 : Rem Do we need a filerequester?
Proc _GET_FILE : Rem If so get file(s)
Print "Requested file(s): ";A$
End If
STA$=Lxpr(A$,"","",XSEND) : Rem start download
Home : Cline : Print "Press a key!" : Wait Key : Clw
End If
If FREQDL=0 : Rem Do we need to supply filename(s)
Print "Requested file(s): ";A$
End If
End If
If A$<>"" : Rem Check for
If A$=Chr$(30) : Rem CURSOR UP
End If
If A$=Chr$(31) : Rem CURSOR DOWN
End If
If A$=Chr$(28) : Rem CURSOR RIGHT
End If
If A$=Chr$(29) : Rem CURSOR LEFT
A$=CL$ : Rem and replace with ANSI-sequence
End If
D$=Lxpr(A$,"","",XWRITE) : Rem Send to modem
End If
D=Free : Rem AMOS has always had problems with
Rem garbage collections. This prevents crashes
Rem when stringbuffer are use a lot.
A$=Lxpr("","","",XREAD) : Rem is there anything to read?
Print Lansi(A$); : Rem Convert ANSI->AMOS and print.
T$=Lxpr("","","",3) : Rem close library
Lser Close : Rem and device.
Procedure _GET_FILE
Amos To Back
A$=Lfreq("Choose a file, press cancel when all are selected",$2+$4+$10+$40+$1000)
If A$="" Then Goto UT
If FILE$=""
FILE$=FILE$+" "+A$
End If
Goto U
Amos To Front
End Proc[FILE$+Chr$(0)]